Battery Changes - How to..

We are getting out of the cold months and your vehicle can’t be happier! Only one problem. Your vehicle’s battery just went through the ringer during the several cold mornings and now has problems starting.

Time for a new battery!

As much as changing a battery seems easy, our newer vehicle computers pose a problem when it comes to doing so. Its not like our old 70s vehicles where everything was ran strictly on mechanics. New cars are ran primarily from computers. One false move, and you are looking at frying a car computer and now that simple battery repair is costing you extra!

With todays vehicles, we highly recommend a battery change with a licensed mechanic. A good mechanic will have the right tools to tell your vehicle there is not a battery change happening. If you are to try and attempt a battery change yourself, remember to disconnect the black ground wire first and set aside. Then proceed to disconnect the red wire second. Failure to do this can cause computer malfunction!

Just remember to follow the same steps backwards when installing. When you are ready to connect the new battery, make sure to connect the red positive wire first, then install the black ground wire second. Depending on the vehicle, its best to look up any relearning procedures before driving off with your new battery.